July 29, 2008

Why Do You Need the New Alzheimer's Awareness Bracelet

Medical alert bracelets have been around for some time. People with chronic conditions that need particular attention have found them to be utter lifesavers at times. Doctors can be alerted to the condition itself, or to allergies to common medications, and so on. Still, there is a new Alzheimer's awareness bracelet that goes one step further - it really works as a tracking device for the Alzheimer's patient.

Using an Alzheimer's awareness bracelet is an excellent idea to let medical personnel and law enforcement agencies know that the person wearing the bracelet has Alzheimer's, as these patients do occasionally have a tendency to wander away from their home or caregiver. It can be tricky for these to return the patient to their home if the patient himself or herself does not remember where they live, or even who they are. Moreover, there have been some fateful circumstances of Alzheimer's patients walking out of their private home or nursing home in the middle of the night or in very poor weather, without the caregiver noticing. These new Alzheimer's awareness bracelets can really trigger an alarm when the patient crosses a certain point. These bracelets work much like the security systems in stores that get triggered when someone walks out the door with merchandise that still has the security tag attached.

Miniature global satellite positioning (GSP) chips have been made to fit into the newest models of Alzheimer's awareness bracelets, meaning that if the patient wanders off, the bracelet can be easily tracked, just like stolen cars.

These Alzheimer's awareness bracelets are not meant to be degrading or embarrassing to the patients. Many of them come in very stylish models with crystal beads and charms, and for the men, there are thick silver chain styles. Some are also made of nylon and come in a diversity of colors. Alzheimer's awareness bracelets are simply meant as a safeguard for the patients in case something happens to them and they are admitted to an emergency room without their caregiver, or if they should leave the home at unsuitable times. They can be lifesavers to those patients whose caregivers obviously cannot watch over them twenty-four hours per day.

Numerous brands of Alzheimer's awareness bracelets also donate a portion of their prices to Alzheimer's research funding, so you are not only protecting your patient, you are supporting a great cause as well.

July 25, 2008

July 22, 2008

What Does Alzheimer's Care Involves

When somebody you love is suffering from Alzheimer's disease, you know that being a caregiver may be the hardest job you've ever had. There is continuous work to take care of the patient physically, and the sight of him or her slowly slipping away is very difficult on you emotionally. So it's important to understand that Alzheimer's care involves more than just the patient himself or herself! It is very easy for any Alzheimer's caregiver to become mentally, emotionally, and physically drained when trying to handle this weight alone.

The Physical Fee of Alzheimer's Care

Particularly in the later stages of the disease will Alzheimer's patients need more and more care with their physical needs. They frequently have difficulty swallowing and with reflexes. They may need help even with basic hygiene, including using the restroom. All of this can take quite a physical fee on those giving the Alzheimer's care. It's difficult enough to care for the many physical needs of babies that can be carried and bathed, but Alzheimer's patients are adults! Trying to get them in and out of a tub or even out of a chair can be very complicated.

Alzheimer's patients also need regular oversight, as they may have a tendency to wander away or leave the home at inappropriate times. When giving Alzheimer's care, this is a twenty-four hour job, and many caregivers can go days and days without enough sleep.

The Emotional Fee of Alzheimer's Care

Seeing a dearly loved parent or spouse regress into somebody that doesn't even know your name or worse, fears that you're a stranger and gets angry at you constantly can be shocking for those giving Alzheimer's care. This type of condition can also subconsciously remind them of what they have to look forward to in their own coming years, making them intensely aware of their own mortality.

Recruiting Help for Alzheimer's Care

There are possibly other people that can support you in giving Alzheimer's care if you simply ask them, and let them know directly what you need. Brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts, and any other relatives that live near by should be doing all they can to help even if the patient lives with you. They may also be willing to share the cost of professional visiting nurses and medics to assist in the patient's Alzheimer's care. You can ask your doctor for such referrals if necessary.

July 19, 2008

You Can Overcome Alzheimer’s Disease!

Listen to this extended interview with Alzheimer's patient, Don Hayen.
He is a retired doctor and former medical director of an HMO. He was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease in 2005, at age 71.

More than the past two years, Don has managed well with the disease -- so well he's been unable to meet the requirements to take part in clinical trials of experimental Alzheimer's drugs.

July 15, 2008

Be Careful of the Alzheimer's Caregiver

If you are an Alzheimer's caregiver, you need to be careful to watch your own health and not hesitate to speak up when you need help. Why do we say this?

Being an Alzheimer's caregiver can be one of the hardest jobs one could have. To watch a beloved parent or spouse slowly slip away as they continue to forget things can be absolutely upsetting. The formerly strong father that taught you to ride a bike or mother that walked you to school when you were a child is now the child himself or herself. To see that the husband or wife that you've build a life with is quickly thinking of you as a stranger can be almost too much to bear. Being an Alzheimer's caregiver can take an emotional toll on someone like almost nothing else can.

There is a danger too of becoming physically exhausted when you're an Alzheimer's caregiver. The patient can need virtually round-the-clock care and attention. Some patients do not know to stay in their own home and have been known to walk out the door in the middle of the night, or when they're still in their pajamas, or have no place to go. This can happen even in the nasty weather, putting them in great physical risk. An Alzheimer's caregiver can be always on the alert while keeping an eye on the patient.

Many Alzheimer's caregivers are hesitant to ask for help, thinking that it's their responsibility to take care of their parent or spouse twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week. They think that a "good" son or daughter would never ask for assistance in caring for a parent, and a spouse may be afraid that somebody will put both the patient and him or her in a nursing home if they consider they can't take care of themselves. Yet, all Alzheimer's caregivers can use assistance. They need time to themselves, and time to rest as well. They can suffer from physical tiredness as they try to care for the patient's physical needs such as hygiene, feeding, dressing, and so on. Such things can be especially difficult if the Alzheimer's caregiver is also getting a bit older himself or herself. So if this sounds like you, don't hesitate to ask for support from other family members or friends before you become exhausted yourself.

July 11, 2008

What Does Alzheimer’s Caregiver Say?

Reporter spoke with Rick Gomez from San Diego who quit his job to look after his father who is in the middle stages of Alzheimer's. The two men see this time as a chance to reconnect.

July 08, 2008

More About Alzheimer's Patients Day Care

Despite how much you may care for and be responsible for an Alzheimer's disease patient, you will surely ultimately need some assistance in caring for your patient. This may be on a impermanent basis for a few hours or may need to be on a more regular basis, such as for when you work. Finding Alzheimer's day care requires that you carry on certain thoughts in mind before signing up your parent or spouse.

It's significant to remember that there is a difference between adult day care and Alzheimer's day care. Not each adult day care facility is capable of taking care of someone with Alzheimer's. Some adult day care facilities are there simply as a recreational facility for seniors, something like a safe place for them to «hang out» whiles their adult children are at work. Finding Alzheimer's day care means finding a facility that is completely capable of taking care of the mental and physical needs of an Alzheimer's patient.

Various Alzheimer's day care facilities are part of an actual nursing home or hospital, and so are staffed with those that focus in medical care. These are not permanent residences for their patients evidently, as they are still expected to go home at night, just like any other day care. Some provide transportation to and from their center as well.

When choosing an Alzheimer's day care, you will need to be clear about how limited your patient is or isn't. For instance, many in the early stages of Alzheimer's need only limited supervision, while those in the later stages may need regular care and supervision. Alzheimer's does in time affect the patient physically, as they begin to develop troubles swallowing, sitting up, and so on. Since each patient is different in their particular needs, you have to make sure that any potential Alzheimer's day care center is able of handling the disease to the extent that it's affecting your parent or spouse.

Carefully check out any probable Alzheimer's day care facilities just as you would a child's day care. Walk through it to check on its purity and see how the other patients seem. How many caregivers do they have opposed to how many patients? Do they offer meals and assistance eating? Are they capable of managing the hygiene and bathroom issues of your particular patient?

You can as well ask your doctor for a referral to a local Alzheimer's day care facility.

July 04, 2008

How Pets Can Treat Alzheimer’s

Look this short video of the woman in the advanced stages of Alzheimer’s and pit bull. You’ll see how animals can be just a good therapy for people with any illness, and Alzheimer’s disease in particular.

July 01, 2008

Sources of Alzheimer's Disease

A lot of people today are concerned with Alzheimer's disease, either because they are concerned with getting it themselves or are concerned with an aging parent or spouse who may by now be showing symptoms. If you can identify what causes Alzheimer's disease, maybe there's somewhat you can do to stay away from getting it, or delay it as much as possible.

Scientists and biologists have a lot to learn about the human brain, and Alzheimer's disease in particular. They have so far to pinpoint exactly what causes it or why it affects definite people and not others. Certainly, they are making new discoveries every single day, but again, they still have quite a ways to go.

It's supposed that genetics plays a large part in whether or not someone gets Alzheimer's disease, and at what age. It is also worth mentioning that Alzheimer's disease is degenerative, meaning that it gets worse over time. How it progresses is also very different between every patient, and over again, genetics no doubt plays a vast role in this. If you have a family history of the disease, your risk factor increases, although a lack of history with the disease does not promise that you won't get it either.

Age is obviously a factor. The risk of contracting it doubles every five years after the age of 65, meaning that if genetics gives you a 10% risk of getting it at 65, you have a 20% chance at 70, a 40% chance at 75, an 80% chance at 80, and so on.

There is some idea that there are outer factors that increase one's risk of getting Alzheimer's disease. This includes such things as high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, lack of certain vitamins and minerals, and a lack of exercise and social contact may increase one's risk.

Maybe in the next few years scientists and doctors will come to realize what causes Alzheimer's disease and from there will be able to find a cure, or even prevent it from developing in the first place. But in the meantime, all that someone can do is take the best care of themselves that they possibly can. Eat a nutritious diet, take a multi-vitamin, get regular exercise, build your family bonds, and watch your health generally. These things of course can't fully guarantee that you won't get Alzheimer's disease, but there is research to recommend that they can help to delay or offset it to some extent.