August 15, 2008

Ask the Doctor About Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's Disease is the Number One type of dementia in the elderly -- about 60-80% of cases, about 4 million Americans. Occurs between ages 40-90, is progressive, and causes memory loss, global cognitive dysfunction, personality changes, and loss of independence due to poor executive functioning. It comes on slowly, generally starting with short-term memory loss.

We don't know what causes Alzheimer's Disease and we don't have a cure, though medicines help delay the progressive symptoms.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am 60. had quad bypass 4 years ago, spent long time on table, have been tested, my Iq dropped a lot. last night i could not remember my best friends name as I looked at them for at least 10 minutes, also I am having other speach problems, Like not knowing what word goes into a sentance, my dad had it but at age 75, his mother, my older brother is 72 and getting it. What should I do.