October 28, 2008

How You Can Use Adult Daycare for Alzheimer’s Patients (2)

How does one go about finding an adult daycare? The easiest way to find one that’s near you is to look at your local agency on aging. Most have a full database, and some of the better ones even include which daycares deal with which stages of Alzheimer’s. Yet, you have to make sure that you actually visit the daycare before sending off the person, just to ensure that the facility is up to your standards, and are capable of dealing with the person with Alzheimer’s.

A different big question on everyone’s mind is that of cost. Just how much does it cost to put an adult in daycare? The prices range from $1800 to $4500 a month, or $60 to $150 a day. Those are just general ranges though, and the actual price can vary dramatically depending on where the daycare is located, and the amount of services it offers. Generally speaking, the medical daycares will be closer to the $4500 a month mark, where as the socializing daycares will be much lower. The less care required, the less you’re going to have to pay.

A lot of people wonder whether they can use health care or insurance to pay for adult daycare. Typically, the answer varies. As a rule social daycares aren’t eligible for healthcare, although some private insurance plans may cover the cost. You have to check with each individual daycare to discover, as the answer will vary from place to place. Medical daycare on the other hand, most of which are in someway connected to a nursing home or healthcare provider, are sometimes covered my health care. You have to check your health care plan, and see if it’s provided. The general consensus, unfortunately, is that healthcare does not cover even medical daycares.

In general, are adult daycares a good option? While they’re not perfect, they do provide a great atmosphere that the adult may not otherwise receive, and it can take the heavy weight off of whoever is taking care of the person during the rest of the day. Adult daycares provide an option that people never used to have, so why not take advantage?

1 comment:

Jay & Jody said...

Hi Alexander,
While updating an Alzheimer's care center page on WEGO Health, I came across your blog post, "How you can use adult daycare for Alzheimer's patients". I'll be featuring your content on our site by linking to your page.
WEGO Health is an open community that connects communities together, like our Alzheimer community. We'd love for you to join our us. Please feel free to set up a profile and promote your blog at community.wegohealth.com (no www necessary).
Another reason to join, oftentimes, we ask health activists to participate in one of our industry insight groups. Many of these sessions are compensated, and they're a good opportunity to make your voice heard.
Thank you, and keep up the good work!
-Jody Simpson
WEGO Health Researcher
Visit my page at: community.wegohealth.com/profile/JodySimpson